Making Islamic Studies
enjoyable and engaging
"Seeking knowledge is an obligation
upon every Muslim."
Sunan Ibn Mājah 224
See how Nasihah World can benefit
your child’s learning
Quality Islamic Education
Reinforce learning online in the comfort and security of your own home
Easy Worldwide access
Easily accessible anywhere, any time as long as you have an internet connection.
Affordable Pricing…always
Our minimal pricing allows valuable Islamic Education to be available to all.
See the many fun and engaging features
in our platform

Digital Coursebooks
Full range of the Islamic curriculum from An Nasihah
Answer more than 6 different types of questions
Complete crosswords, wordsearches and more
Rewards and badges
Motivational and incentivised
Listen to your Surahs, Duas
and Ahadith
Insights into your child’s progress and attainment
What your child will learn:
With age-appropriate content covering 7 core subjects. Nasihah World is presenting Islamic knowledge in a manner that sees that every child has an opportunity to maximise their learning.
This platform aims to build, mould, and cultivate your child’s knowledge, character and morals.
Insha’Allah children will have the opportunity to:
- QURAN - Memorise and understand the Surah's of the Holy Quran
- FIQH - The fundamentals of Islam that will ensure the foundations of worship are firm
- AHADITH - Memorise nearly 100 Arabic and English Ahadith applicable to daily routine
- SIRAH - Recognise the beauty and acknowledge the greatness of the best of Mankind ﷺ (SAW)
- TARIKH - Re-live the lives of the greatest Prophets of Allah
- AQAID - Build trust and faith in Allah by understanding the basic creed of Islam
- AKHLAQ – Character development in light of the Quran and Sunnah
- ADAB - Habit development, enriching worship and play.

Happy families…
100’s of children already benefitting

Alhamdulillah I have been using Nasihah World for some time now. The kids have enjoyed it so much and are always excited to complete the puzzles. The coursebooks have also been an excellent resource to engage students online.
Aisha M
TeacherI purchased Nasihah World for my two sons aged 10 and 13. They both benefit from the membership and enjoy using the online platform. It is very helpful that they are able to access the course books. They enjoy completing the quizzes and whilst doing so are gaining knowledge at the same time. I would highly recommend it as it keeps children engaged in learning in a fun and interactive way.
ParentAssalamualaikum Alhamdulillah my son has been using Nasihah World. The platform has fun and interactive games and quizzes related to the curriculum, also all curriculum books are available to read online. It is designed to cater students in elementary years very well. MashaAllah my son loves playing the games and watching the cartoons filled with lessons to learn. I would give a 10/10 and totally recommend this to everyone. Jazakallah to the team who put together and make this easily accessible for our children.
Umm Talhaa
ParentI needed something to help my children learn about Islam through home schooling. Was really worried how I could do it without having access to english speaking Madrassahs. So Using Nasihah World and the publications has really helped solved that problem. Me and my children have got a clear direction in terms of Islamic curriculum, beliefs and approved by authentic sources, whilst also making it fun and enjoyable for all. Totally recommended
Um Sumayyah
ParentAn amazing resource that my children spend hours on! Alhumdulillah, an essential Khidmah that is unlike any other. Accessing the coursebooks for reading and then watching Kasymo & Lyna makes for a varied yet fun experience.
Um Maryam
What the experts have to say…
Recommended by Scholars

All praise belongs to Allah and Salutations be on the best of Mankind ﷺ Masha-Allah, An Nasihah Publications have been doing excellent work in the field of education, which has benefited communities throughout the whole world. The young children are enjoying learning and benefitting greatly from their hard work. The entire team is worthy of praise, and my heartfelt duas are with them, Allah take An Nasihah from strength to strength. This new initiative of Nasihah World is also highly recommended, I humbly request people from around the world to take benefit from this platform. May Allah accept it and be pleased.
(Shaykh ul Hadeeth) Abdul Rahim Limbada
Tafseer Raheemi Academy, Bolton, UKMasha-Allah the An Nasihah team are doing a fantastic job in the islamic education sector providing excellent resources for students and teachers alike. Starting off with coursebooks and workbooks for students of all ages and translated in many languages, these books have been a blessing for thousands of students across the globe. With the forward thinking and progressive mindset of the team, they have also gone digital with the Nasihah World site. An online platform with digital copies of the books, islamic quizzes, puzzles, islamic cartoons and much much more. The platform is a fun and engaging way to learn Islam for children and I sincerely recommend parents to sign-up. The best gift a parent can provide to their children is islamic education. May Allah accept and reward the team at An Nasihah in all their activities and take them from strength to strength. Ameen
Molana Khalil Patel
Ameer Rahma Mercy, Leicester, UKI have seen the short video you sent to me regarding Nasihah world to empower children. I am very happy to see this initiative. The Ummat is passing through very challenging times in the proper upbringing and proper education of our children especially in this era of APS(Absent Parent Syndrome) The Nasihah world for children fulfills an important role in the proper upbringing education of our children. It is my heartfelt dua that Allah incline the hearts of parents to Nasihah world and empower their children with the discourses of Nasihah World. Ameen
(Mufti) Ebrahim Desai
South AfricaMasha’allah the Nasihah World is a really good idea which has been beneficial for the students.
Mawlana Maseehullah Patel
Green Oak Academy
The Team behind Nasihah World…

An Nasihah Publications is the team behind the popular Islamic curriculum publications. Experts in producing quality Islamic educational materials, being used by over 1000 institutions worldwide.

Educating the needy
Through your subscription we are able to support a Madrasah in Albania which is attended by over 200 children and a nursery operating in Malawi being a gateway to education for over 60 children.
Every subscription will see a portion going towards 2 fantastic projects via charities Rahma (Mercy) and Drop of Compassion.
Start your Sadaqah Jariyah by subscribing now!